Why Aerial Photography?

It seems like aerial photography is everywhere all of a sudden. The development of the personal drone has put aerial photography in the hands of everyone. Before this photographers had to rent time on an airplane or helicopter, buy a large balloon or oversized telescopic pole that would lift a camera high into the air. These options were very expensive and impractical.

When your project needs aerial photography make sure the photographer you choose has the proper training and knowledge. A professional photographer will have a Remote Pilot Certification from the FAA and it will be renewed every two years.

Having a drone I have been able to accomplish many more requests from clients. With real estate I can show the property footprint, proximity to lake, golf course, ocean , intracoastal. My client’s projects stand out . Roof inspection and events also benefit from overhead photography.

Drone photography offers a unique perspective. It orients you in the scene and helps to visualize the whole picture. Its bring sight to a place you can’t easily get eyes on.

If you are ready to try drone photography or if you have been using drone images for awhile, or if you just have questions contact me. I can help!